[mou] Clark's Nutcracker

Audrey Evers aevers@arrowhead.lib.mn.us
Sat, 16 Oct 2004 14:19:20 -0500

As Jim Lind has been informed, about 10 of us saw the Nutcracker this morning around 
8:30 a.m. We first found it in one of the yards just across the street from the 144 Edison 
address. It disappeared into the brushy little gully area between the houses so we went 
around the block to the South. C. Schumacher asked the gentleman at the house on 
Lee? if we could walk in along his brown wooden fence line to see better. He seemed 
excited and happy to allow us to do that and about that time his wife called out that the 
bird was in their back yard. We walked along the fence and watched over the fence for 
quite a while. The Nutcracker was feeding on the ground and hopping from the ground 
to the picnic table and back. Carol went back inside the house so the owners could look 
through her binoculars. JT and I left shortly after but the bird was still there and some 
got pictures. He certainly wasn't at all skittish, but we were pretty well concealed by the 
fence. He seemed a darker gray color on the breast and face compared to birds I've 
seen in Montana-probably a young bird. Great looks! Thanks to all, especially Jim who 
kept us posted.
A.L. Evers