[mou] Ground-Dove and North Shore update

Peder Svingen psvingen@d.umn.edu
Sun, 17 Oct 2004 15:27:47 -0500 (CDT)

Tom Auer and Mike Hendrickson called to report that the Common Ground-Dove
was refound at about 2:00 PM near mile marker 48 on US Hwy 61 in Lake
County. The bird was foraging in a rocky area on the north side of the
highway. This is about 1/2 mile east of its original location.

The Clark's Nutcracker was seen in Silver Bay at or near its original
posted location both Sat. and Sun.

Other birds of interest this weekend along the North Shore:
Cackling Geese - Silver Bay Wastewater Treatment Plant, Lake Co.
Surf Scoter - small numbers at Park Point, Burlington Bay, Paradise Beach.
White-winged Scoter - 4 at Paradise Beach, Cook Co.
Black Scoter - 8 at Park Point (near rowing club), one at Silver Bay
marina, 4 at Croftville, one at Paradise Beach.
Black-bellied Plover - Beaver Bay, Lake Co.
White-rumped Sandipier - one at Beaver Bay, two at Grand Marais.
Dunlin - two at Beaver Bay, two at Grand Marais.
Thayer's Gull - one at Two Harbors, one at Grand Marais.
Black-backed Woodpecker - one at Beaver Bay, three along North Shore
between Grand Marais and Hovland, Cook Co.
Red-eyed Vireo - one at Lutsen Sea Villas on Sat.
Marsh Wren - one at Little Marais on Sat.
Gray-cheeked Thrush - one at Lutsen Sea Villas on Sat.
Swainson's Thrush - one at Grand Marais on Sun.
Bohemian Waxwing - two along North Shore east of Grand Marais on Sun.
Tennessee Warbler - one in Cook County on Sun.
Orange-crowned Warbler - one at Iona's Beach on Sat.
Cape May Warbler - both days in either Cook or Lake.
Yellow-rumped Warbler - several locations.
Palm Warbler - Cook County on Sun.
Smith's Longspur - four at Iona's Beach on Sat.
White-winged Crossbill - small flock at Grand Marais campground.
Common Redpoll - one in Cook County on Sun.

Peder H. Svingen - psvingen@d.umn.edu - Duluth, MN