[mou] An apology

Anderson, Diane M.(QC) anderson.diane@mayo.edu
Thu, 21 Oct 2004 08:40:27 -0500

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I want to take this opportunity to apologize to any and all mou-net members who did not receive the post that I sent about the Clark's Nutcracker last week.  As you will note on the original note (below), it was sent at the same time the note was sent to MnBird.  Problem was it was sent to the biosci address (old, I guess) and did not make it through to the listserve.   I have since corrected my address book.   Again I apologize and hope this puts the topic to rest.  


> ______________________________________________ 
> From: 	Anderson, Diane M.(QC)  
> Sent:	Friday, October 15, 2004 11:38 AM
> To:	'mou-net'
> Subject:	Clark's Nutcracker
> I just had a call that the bird was still being seen as of 10 am this Friday morning.   It was seen at the previously posted address, but also was seen perching on wires in the area.  Good Luck!
> 	Diane M. Anderson RT(R)
> 	Medical Imaging Technical Services
> 	Department of Radiology
> 	Mayo Clinic Rochester
> 	(507) 266-8504
> 	anderson.diane@mayo.edu

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<META HTTP-EQUIV=3D"Content-Type" CONTENT=3D"text/html; =
<META NAME=3D"Generator" CONTENT=3D"MS Exchange Server version =
<TITLE>An apology</TITLE>

<P><FONT COLOR=3D"#0000FF" FACE=3D"Californian FB">I want to take this =
opportunity to apologize to any and all mou-net members who did not =
receive the post that I sent about the Clark's Nutcracker last =
week.&nbsp; As you will note on the original note (below), it was sent =
at the same time the note was sent to MnBird.&nbsp; Problem was it was =
sent to the biosci address (old, I guess) and did not make it through =
to the listserve.&nbsp;&nbsp; I have since corrected my address =
book.&nbsp;&nbsp; Again I apologize and hope this puts the topic to =
rest.&nbsp; </FONT></P>

<P><FONT COLOR=3D"#0000FF" FACE=3D"Californian FB">Diane</FONT>=20

FACE=3D"Tahoma">______________________________________________ </FONT>
<BR><B><FONT SIZE=3D1 FACE=3D"Tahoma">From: &nbsp;</FONT></B> <FONT =
SIZE=3D1 FACE=3D"Tahoma">Anderson, Diane M.(QC)&nbsp; </FONT>
<BR><B><FONT SIZE=3D1 FACE=3D"Tahoma">Sent:&nbsp;&nbsp;</FONT></B> =
<FONT SIZE=3D1 FACE=3D"Tahoma">Friday, October 15, 2004 11:38 AM</FONT>
FACE=3D"Tahoma">To:&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</FONT></B> <FONT SIZE=3D1 =
></B> <FONT SIZE=3D1 FACE=3D"Tahoma">Clark's Nutcracker</FONT>

<P><FONT COLOR=3D"#0000FF" FACE=3D"Californian FB">I just had a call =
that the bird was still being seen as of 10 am this Friday =
morning.&nbsp;&nbsp; It was seen at the previously posted address, but =
also was seen perching on wires in the area.&nbsp; Good =
<P><B><FONT COLOR=3D"#0000FF" SIZE=3D2 FACE=3D"Comic Sans MS">Diane M. =
Anderson RT(R)</FONT></B>
<BR><B><FONT COLOR=3D"#0000FF" SIZE=3D2 FACE=3D"Comic Sans MS">Medical =
Imaging Technical Services</FONT></B>
<BR><B><FONT COLOR=3D"#0000FF" SIZE=3D2 FACE=3D"Comic Sans =
MS">Department of Radiology</FONT></B>
<BR><B><FONT COLOR=3D"#0000FF" SIZE=3D2 FACE=3D"Comic Sans MS">Mayo =
Clinic Rochester</FONT></B>
<BR><B><FONT COLOR=3D"#0000FF" SIZE=3D2 FACE=3D"Comic Sans MS">(507) =
<BR><B><FONT COLOR=3D"#0000FF" SIZE=3D2 FACE=3D"Comic Sans =