[mou] north shore birding

tpulles tpulles@gbronline.com
Sat, 30 Oct 2004 08:23:59 -0500

My family and I took a one-day trip along the North Shore
yesterday (Friday, October 29).  Our better sightings

HORNED GREBE - 1 at Park Point
SURF SCOTER - 1 at Paradise Beach
WHITE-WINGED SCOTER - 3 at Grand Marais, 8 at Paradise Beach
NORTHERN GOSHAWK - 1 at Park Point
BLACK-BELLIED PLOVER - 8 at Park Point on the beach
THAYER'S GULL - 1st winter bird at Grand Marais
LESSER BLACK-BACKED GULL - 1st winter bird at Knife River
BOHEMIAN WAXWING - 5 in downtown Grand Marais
SNOW BUNTING - Grand Marais

Also, in or around my yard recently I've had trumpeter swan,
tundra swan, cackling goose, and northern shrike

Keith Pulles, Wright County