[mou] Koochiching County Birding today

Pat DeWenter hoocooks4you@yahoo.com
Wed, 1 Sep 2004 16:31:30 -0700 (PDT)

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Unfortunately we didn't find any of the previously reported American 3-toed Woodpeckers, in spite of driving slowly along CR 13 three times between 9:30 and 1:30.  We even ate lunch in the car at the 2.3 mile site, but didn't hear any drumming or see the woodpeckers.  We also walked the road between the 9.2 and 9.5 area, south of Hwy. 1, without success.  I guess we should have walked into the bog as James Mattson did, although I didn't hear any drumming in the distance either.
But it was a beautiful day and we saw 1 female Spruce Grouse, ran into several large flocks of Boreal Chickadees, with a few warblers and vireos mixed in, and saw 2 Golden-crowned Kinglets.  
At the intersection of Hwy. 71 and CR 67, south of Big Falls we saw 2 Black-billed Magpies.
We had never birded this road before but will definitely try it again!  It is wonderful habitat and isn't that far from Bemidji.

Pat DeWenter
Bemidji/Beltrami Co.

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<DIV>Unfortunately we didn't find any of the previously reported American 3-toed Woodpeckers, in spite of driving slowly along CR 13 three times between 9:30 and 1:30.&nbsp; We even ate lunch in the car at the 2.3 mile site, but didn't hear any drumming or see the woodpeckers.&nbsp; We also walked the road between the 9.2 and 9.5 area, south of Hwy. 1, without success.&nbsp; I guess we should have walked into the bog as James Mattson did, although I didn't hear any drumming in the distance either.</DIV>
<DIV>But it was a beautiful day and we saw 1 female Spruce Grouse, ran into several large flocks of Boreal Chickadees, with a few warblers and vireos mixed in, and saw 2 Golden-crowned Kinglets.&nbsp; </DIV>
<DIV>At the intersection of Hwy. 71 and CR 67, south of Big Falls we saw 2 Black-billed Magpies.</DIV>
<DIV>We had never birded this road before but will definitely try it again!&nbsp; It is wonderful habitat and isn't that far from Bemidji.</DIV>
<P>Pat DeWenter<BR>Bemidji/Beltrami Co.<BR><A href="mailto:hoocooks4you@yahoo.com">mailto:hoocooks4you@yahoo.com</A></P></DIV>