[mou] Daktota County Shorebird Report

Steve Weston Steve Weston" <sweston2@comcast.net
Sat, 4 Sep 2004 21:40:20 -0500

Checked out some sites in Dakota County:

Jirik sod Farm, Empire:  CR66 & CR79
Buff-breasted Sandpiper:  8  (inc. 3 within 100' of CR79)
Am. Golden Plover: 3
Killdeer:  169
note:  this is probably the most reliable spot for finding Buff-breasted Sandpipers in the state.  Directions:  go west from
Hwy 52 on CR66 (200th Street)

Braun sod Farm, Empire:  west of Jirik on CR66
Killdeer:  56
Horned Lark:  7

Braun sod Farm, Castle Rock:  south of Jirik on CR79
Killdeer: 112
note:  I never find much besides Killdeer on the Braun sod.  I suspect that they may treat it.

180th Street Marsh, Vermillion:  north of town of Vermillion
Killdeer:  6
Least Sandpiper: 7
Wilson's Snipe: 2
note: best habitat (mudflats) around the county now

Lake Bylessby
no shore birds
Nashville Warbler
Canada Goose Decoys:  flock of about 20 in the shorebird area.  Did not see any hunters..
This lake is being managed strickly for recreation, and not for the fall shorebird migration, which is too bad, as it is one
of the most important shorebird habitats in eastern Minnesota.

Castle Rock sod farms
did not get to.

Steve Weston on Quigley Lake in Eagan