[mou] Lark Bunting

Anthony X. Hertzel axhertzel@sihope.com
Mon, 6 Sep 2004 13:39:14 -0500

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Late this morning (6 September) an immature LARK BUNTING was 
discovered in Duluth. It was first seen by Tom Auer on the west side 
of the 40th Avenue West impoundment and was still being found along 
the road there early this afternoon. Lark Bunting is considered 
Casual in Minnesota.

Anthony X. Hertzel -- axhertzel@sihope.com
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<!doctype html public "-//W3C//DTD W3 HTML//EN">
<html><head><style type="text/css"><!--
blockquote, dl, ul, ol, li { padding-top: 0 ; padding-bottom: 0 }
 --></style><title>Lark Bunting</title></head><body>
<div>Late this morning (6 September) an immature<b> LARK BUNTING</b>
was discovered in Duluth. It was first seen by Tom Auer on the west
side of the 40th Avenue West impoundment and was still being found
along the road there early this afternoon. Lark Bunting is considered
Casual in Minnesota.</div>
<div>Anthony X. Hertzel -- axhertzel@sihope.com</div>