[mou] No Lark Bunting

Dennis/Barbara Martin dbmartin@skypoint.com
Wed, 8 Sep 2004 08:22:21 -0500

We looked after Dedrick was there with no success.  As the kite flew over
the ridge we were still at 40th and it probably flew over us with us not
noticing it as we were looking down and not up.

Did find a couple of nice groups of shorebirds on Wisconsin Point next to
the breakwater.  Included were golden plovers, sanderlings, a bairds, a
least, buff-breasted, and one bird we had a lot of trouble identifying.  Our
best thinking is that it was a molting adult Western Sandpiper.  Other
possibility is a short winged white-rumped, but although we only saw it fly
once from up close the rump did not appear to be white.  One picture may
show the rump as the bird was preening.  We were able to walk up quite close
to take a couple of rolls of film on these birds.  Better shorebird experts
than us will have to look at them and decide.  Looking at these birds on a
sandy beach does not lend itself to good light even though the sun, behind
clouds,  was behind us

Dennis and Barbara Martin
----- Original Message -----
From: "Dedrick Benz" <benzdedrick@hotmail.com>
To: <mou-net@cbs.umn.edu>
Sent: Tuesday, September 07, 2004 9:21 PM
Subject: [mou] No Lark Bunting

> As far as I know, no one relocated the Lark Bunting at 40th Ave W in
> on Tuesday.  Adding insult to injury, after not finding the bunting this
> morning, I opted for birding Park Point before Hawk Ridge, putting the
> 'miss' in a Mississippi Kite that flew by the main overlook  at 10:05 AM.
> Oh well, a Swainson's Hawk was a nice consolation prize at the ridge.
> Dedrick Benz
> Winona, MN
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