[mou] cicumnavigation of Mille Lacs

Wildchough@aol.com Wildchough@aol.com
Mon, 13 Sep 2004 22:41:26 EDT

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Kim Eckert and I did a magellanic circle of Mille Lacs yesterday (80 miles) 
for the first time in our recent histories and would have been better off 
fishing for walleye.  We found:

12 loons, 9 Sanderling on the north shore beach west of Malmo, 9 Caspian 
Terns, 12 Bonaparte's Gulls on a boat dock in the NW corner across from the Micky 
D's, a Merlin at the Isle sewage ponds, and a pair of Red-headed Woodpeckers 
flycatching and feeding 1 or more fledged young at the Malmo city park.  
Warblers were almost nonexistant.  Small numbers of Common Terns were mainly in the 
SW corner of the lake.  Decent cafe in downtown Onamia and a better than 
average pizza place there too. Bob Russell, Dakota County

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=3D"SANSSERIF" FACE=3D"Arial" LANG=3D"0">Kim Eckert and I did a magellanic c=
ircle of Mille Lacs yesterday (80 miles) for the first time in our recent hi=
stories and would have been better off fishing for walleye.&nbsp; We found:<=
12 loons, 9 Sanderling on the north shore beach west of Malmo, 9 Caspian Ter=
ns, 12 Bonaparte's Gulls on a boat dock in the NW corner across from the Mic=
ky D's, a Merlin at the Isle sewage ponds, and a pair of Red-headed Woodpeck=
ers flycatching and feeding 1 or more fledged young at the Malmo city park.&=
nbsp; Warblers were almost nonexistant.&nbsp; Small numbers of Common Terns=20=
were mainly in the SW corner of the lake.&nbsp; Decent cafe in downtown Onam=
ia and a better than average pizza place there too. Bob Russell, Dakota Coun=
