[mou] 5th Annual Great Minnesota River Birding Day this Saturday

Williams, Bob BXWilliams@CBBURNET.COM
Wed, 15 Sep 2004 09:45:46 -0500

It is not too late to join us for the 5th Annual Great Minnesota River
Birding Day.  If you plan to go birding anywhere in the watershed that
day please let me know so that we can include your sightings in the list
of species identified that day.  The watershed stretches from the Twin
Cities to the Iowa border, to the South Dakota border and to Fergus
Falls and includes approximately 15,000 square miles in the state.  Salt
Lake, where the Red Phalarope was located, is part of this vast region.
The weather outlook is good so I encourage you to participate in this
event.  Please contact Bob Williams at bxwilliams@cbburnet.com or at
612-728-2232 for more information.
Good Birding, Bob Williams	Bloomington   =20