[mou] Sabine's Gull - Crow Wing Co.

JEBonkoski@aol.com JEBonkoski@aol.com
Thu, 16 Sep 2004 20:16:44 EDT

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At 12:30 this afternoon, I found a Sabine's Gull at the Serpent Lake sewage 
ponds, with permission from the Operator, to bird inside the fences.  The 
sewage ponds are located approx. 4 miles No. of Ironton on Crow Wing Co 30. 
The bird was associating with some Bonaparte's Gulls, and I was able to 
observe the bird for about 20 minutes. Since I had permission to be in the ponds, I 
observed the birds from the middle berm as the bird flew back and forth.   I 
saw the Sabine's Gull in the two south ponds, where it was sitting on the 
water, and flying between the two ponds and also landed on the berm. The bird 
appears to be a juvenile, as the back was a mottled brown, very similar to 
Sibley's illustration on Page 228 of his "Guide to Birds"

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<DIV>At 12:30 this afternoon, I found a Sabine's Gull at the Serpent Lake se=
wage ponds, with permission from the Operator, to bird inside the fences.&nb=
sp; The sewage ponds are&nbsp;located approx. 4 miles No. of Ironton on Crow=
 Wing Co 30.&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV>The bird was associating with some Bonaparte's Gulls, and I was able to=
 observe the bird for about 20 minutes.&nbsp;Since I had permission to be in=
 the ponds, I observed the birds from the middle berm as the bird flew back=20=
and forth.&nbsp; &nbsp;I saw the Sabine's Gull in the two south ponds, where=
 it was sitting on the water, and flying between the two ponds and also land=
ed on the berm. The bird appears to be a juvenile, as the back was a mottled=
 brown, very similar to Sibley's illustration on Page 228 of his "Guide to B=
