[mou] Houston Co. Hawks; etc birds

fred lesher corax6330@yahoo.com
Fri, 17 Sep 2004 17:29:23 -0700 (PDT)

Seven raptor species totalling 188 ind. birds from
near the microwave tower at the hairpin curve top of
Hillside Rd. north of Reno. 8:30AM-12N Fri. Sept 17:
Turkey V.-------36
Bald E.----------3
N. Harrier-------1
Cooper's H.------1
Broad-w. Hawk--188
Red-t H.---------1
Am. Kestrel------1

etc. birds:
Tree & Barn Swallows
Tufted T.
Red-brstd. Nuthatch--numbers high, --4+
Gray Catbird
Blackpoll W.
E. Towhee
Savannah Sp.
Rose brstd. Grosbeak

>From Hwy 26 1/4 mile south of junction with Hwy 16
south of LaCrescent, west of hwy in Root R. floodplain
Sandhill Crane-----3

Fred Lesher, with Art & Nancy Overcott

P.S. SE Minn. birders may be interested in checking
out the US BANK building at 2nd. & State in downtown
LaCrosse where an apparent pair of Pergrines have been
perched frequently for the last two weeks on the
"USBANK" sign on the NW side of the building.

In downtown

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