[mou] Pomarine Jaeger at Wisconsin Point

Peder Svingen psvingen@d.umn.edu
Sat, 18 Sep 2004 11:31:52 -0500 (CDT)

Mike Hendrickson just called to report that at 11:00 AM today (Saturday)
he, Tom Auer, and Robbye Johnson watched a juvenile Pomarine Jaeger fly
directly overhead them at Wisconsin Point. The bird flew in along the
beach on the Wisconsin side of the Superior Entry, flew through the entry,
and was last seen heading towards Duluth on the bay side of Minnesota
Point. Mike stated that it looked like a large gull as it flew towards
them, but they soon realized its true identity when it came closer. The
bird looked very large and "barrel-chested" with heavily barred flanks and
a paler belly. The central pair of rectrices apparently did not project
beyond the tip of the tail. All three observers noted a "double underwing
flash" and a tawny nape. Tom Auer reported a juvenile Pomarine Jaeger at
Park Point on 6 September and thinks today's bird is the same individual.

Robbye Johnson added that several observers at Wisconsin Point observed a
possible Arctic Tern this morning. There are 30 to 40 Sterna in the area;
the possible Arctic Tern has not been refound or confirmed as of 11:00
AM. Yesterday (17 September) Robbye received a second hand report of a
large dark-mantled gull, presumably a Great Black-backed.

Since Wednesday (15 September) when as many as four jaegers were seen at
Park Point, there have been daily sightings of one to two jaegers either
at Park Point or Wisconsin Point. Until today's sighting a juvenile Pom,
none of these were seen well enough or close enough for identification.
The juvenile Sabine's Gull found by Mike Hendrickson during Wednesday's
gale has not been refound since its intial discovery.

Peder H. Svingen - psvingen@d.umn.edu - Duluth, MN