[mou] Sabine's Gull, Little Gull, Parasitic Jaeger and Arctic Tern - Wisconsin Point (MN Waters)

M. Thomas Auer t_auer@lycos.com
Sun, 26 Sep 2004 12:43:08 -0600

Today was quite a day at Wisconsin point. I was out there early, all the way out on the Lighthouse at Wisconsin Point. Started off the day by picking up a juvenile Sabine's Gull over Minnesota waters. It was later seen by many with a 1st Winter Little Gull! The two birds moved together for a good while, rising high in the air and then being spotted again, close to the Minnesota breakwater. The Sabine's Gull was then seen moving into Wisconsin waters and wasn't seen again, nor was the Little Gull. A jaeger sp. that was seen far off in Minnesota waters came by the lighthouse to give us great views and reveal its identity as a Light Adult Parasitic Jaeger. Finally, towards noon we got on an adult tern that was sitting on and off in the water with a group of Common Terns that had a very uniformly light gray upperwing, and when seen sitting, had a solid orange red bill, with no black tip, and a cap that extended fully from the nape to the base of the bill. After we followed the bi
 rd for a good while and got great looks as it flew close by the Lighthouse into Wisconsin waters, we were confidant that it was an Adult Breeding Arctic Tern.

What an amazing day! And even without NE winds!

Tom Auer
Duluth, MN
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