[mou] Black-headed Gull

SFbirdclub@aol.com SFbirdclub@aol.com
Mon, 27 Sep 2004 15:19:29 EDT

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For those interested in the Black-headed Gull which appears in the fall at 
Crandall Bay, on the NW side of Spirit Lake, IA, I saw it today for about 1/2 an 
hour. It was about--oh, 300 ft. from Minnesota. For directions, e-mail me or 
check the Iowa postings on <<www.birdingonthe.net>>.

The bird posed nicely on the high end rock on the right side of tghe inlet to 
the bay from Spirit Lake. It did a good imitation of a flycatcher- it would 
return to the same perch after skimming something off the surface of the area 
where the lake spills into the bay--I watched for 15 minutes and got incredible 

It did fly away after the 3rd fishing boat came in and crowded it. It then 
flew (w/a few Bonaparte and Franklin and Ring-billed) N for a bit. It crossed 
the road to the part of the bay into Minnesota before circling and returning to 
the water this time--harder to see. Not long--but I can count this life bird 
in 2 states now! What a great morning. Other things, too. The best was a small 
group of Common Tern.

Doug Chapman
Sioux Falls, SD

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<DIV>For those&nbsp;interested in&nbsp;the Black-headed Gull which appears i=
n the fall at Crandall Bay, on the NW side of Spirit Lake, IA, I saw it toda=
y for about 1/2 an hour. It was about--oh, 300 ft. from Minnesota. For direc=
tions, e-mail me or check the Iowa postings on &lt;&lt;www.birdingonthe.net&=
<DIV>The bird posed nicely on&nbsp;the high end&nbsp;rock on the right side=20=
of tghe inlet to the bay from Spirit Lake. It did a good imitation of a flyc=
atcher- it would return to the same perch after skimming something off the s=
urface of the area where the lake spills into the bay--I watched for 15 minu=
tes and got incredible looks. </DIV>
<DIV>It did fly away after the 3rd fishing boat came in and crowded it. It t=
hen flew (w/a few Bonaparte and Franklin and Ring-billed) N for a bit. It cr=
ossed the road to the part of the bay into Minnesota before circling and ret=
urning to the water this time--harder to see. Not long--but I can count this=
 life bird in 2 states now! What a great morning. Other things, too. The bes=
t was a small group of Common Tern.</DIV>
<DIV>Doug Chapman</DIV>
<DIV>Sioux Falls, SD</DIV></BODY></HTML>
