[mou] Ross' Goose, other Sherburne sightings

Pastor Al PastorAl@PrincetonFreeChurch.net
Sat, 2 Apr 2005 13:16:09 -0600

Nathan and I spent the morning driving around Sherburne County (from Highway
2 Ponds to the Refuge to the Monticello Power Plant to Sand Prairie WMA,
then back to Highway 2 Ponds).  Highlights among 52 species:

* Ross' Goose (Highway 2 Ponds, there 10 minutes ago)
* Peregrine Falcon (Monticello power plant, thanks Herb D for the
* Red-shouldered Hawk (flying over HWY 10, about five miles from St. Cloud)
* Western Meadowlark (power plant).

First of year birds also included both teals, an Eastern Phoebe and two Tree

Good birding to all!

Nathan & Al Schirmacher
Princeton, MN
Mille Lacs & Sherburne Counties