[mou] Volunteer Birders Needed

LES DANIEL MURRAY ldmurray@wisc.edu
Tue, 05 Apr 2005 12:28:16 -0500

Volunteers are needed to conduct breeding bird surveys in Prairie-
hardwood transition zone of MN (central and southeastern parts of the 
state) and WI (southern 2/3 of the state) for a research project aimed 
at evaluating the accuracy of predictive models of bird abundances for 
the region.  Roadside surveys will be conduced between 1 June and 4 
July 2005.  Volunteers will receive a small stipend per survey route 
completed.  Experienced birders interested in conducting surveys 
should contact Les Murray (University of Wisconsin-Madison) at: 
ldmurray@wisc.edu or 608-263-7595 for more information.