[mou] following bird migration by radar

Jim Williams two-jays@att.net
Sat, 9 Apr 2005 07:55:02 -0500

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Kevin Kearns" <dkkearns@tds.net>
Date: April 8, 2005 10:59:52 PM CDT
To: "Wisconsin Birding Network" <wisbirdn@lawrence.edu>
Subject: [wisb] Re: Nexrad tonight

I lied, couldn't sleep.  Reflectivity is now over 20DBZ for the entire
state, with hits of close to 30.  The Mississippi valley is generally 
30DBZ.  The entire Midwest covering Missouri, Iowa, Illinois, Minnesota,
Michigan, Indiana and Wisconsin are showing above 20DBZ for the entire
Range.  The Texas Gulf Coast is way above 30DBZ from south of 
past Houston.  There is also a good sized wave that left Michigan at 
and is approaching Door Peninsula - the entire peninsula from Sheboygan 

If you don't remember what these numbers mean, check John Idzikowski's


Good Birding tomorrow,
Kevin Kearns

-----Original Message-----
From: Wisconsin Birding Network [mailto:wisbirdn@lawrence.edu]On Behalf
Of Kevin Kearns
Sent: Friday, April 08, 2005 9:33 PM
To: Wisconsin Birding Network
Subject: [wisb] Nexrad tonight

Unfortunately, I am exhausted, or I would stay up and watch the 
migration on
radar tonight.  It seems that the entire region is exploding right now.
Eastern Wisconsin is showing 15DBZ all the way through, while the
Mississippi Valley is experiencing in the 20-25 range at 9:30pm.



Kevin Kearns

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