[mou] Eagle nest destroyed

Jim Ryan Jim Ryan <muchmoredoc@gmail.com>
Sat, 9 Apr 2005 22:13:38 -0500

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Hello Birders,
I heard a news story this morning on KFANs outdoor segment (6-8am Saturdays=
about an eagle nest that was destroyed near Sartell, MN because the white=
pine tree it was in was cut down. A smashed egg was found at the site,=20
presumably an Eagle egg. The US Fish and Wildlife service Law enforcement=
division is investigating this tragedy and I believe I heard there is a=20
$2500 reward for information leading to conviction of the perpetrator(s).

As some of you may know, this senseless destruction violates several federa=
laws as well as state laws, for which the penalties are quite severe - one=
year in prison AND a $100,000 fine.

If anyone has any information about this incident, please call the USFWS=20
tipline at 1-800-532-2887.

Jim in S. Mpls
"Trying creates impossibilities. Letting go creates what is desired." -=20
Stalking Wolf, Apache Scout, Shaman and Healer

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Hello Birders,<br>
I heard a news story this morning on KFANs outdoor segment (6-8am
Saturdays) about an eagle nest that was destroyed near Sartell, MN
because the white pine tree it was in was cut down. A smashed egg was
found at the site, presumably an Eagle egg. The US Fish and Wildlife
service Law enforcement division is investigating this tragedy and I
believe I heard there is a $2500 reward for information leading to
conviction of the perpetrator(s).<br>
As some of you may know, this senseless destruction violates several
federal laws as well as state laws, for which the penalties are quite
severe - one year in prison AND a $100,000 fine.<br>
If anyone has any information about this incident, please call the USFWS ti=
pline at 1-800-532-2887.<br><br>
Jim in S. Mpls<br>-- <br>&quot;Trying creates
impossibilities.&nbsp;&nbsp;Letting go creates what is desired.&quot; -
Stalking Wolf, Apache Scout, Shaman and Healer