[mou] Re: [mnbird] Expense info.- Final tally

Val/Roger writers2@comcast.net
Fri, 15 Apr 2005 18:51:57 -0600

You know, humor is a tough gig, shouldn't be attempted by amateurs.

What an odd and sophomoric way to present some very salient information . .
Val Cunningham
St. Paul, Minn. 
(Spent some money on owling this winter, don't feel included in this sappy

on 4/15/05 2:52 PM, Randy Frederickson at fredericksonr@willmar.k12.mn.us

> Final numbers have been tallied for those who submitted expense information
> (I'm still open to more data though, for those of you who haven't submitted
> yet).
> I was hoping we could break $200,000 for our Minnesota winter travel birding
> expenses.  It was close, thankfully some of the misc. categories were really
> large.  Thanks to Ron Erpelding, John Hockema, Bob Janssen, and Roger
> Schroeder for including the money they spent on women while birding- that
> was an additional $10,000...wait, that was just for Hockema.
> And thanks to Jerry Bonkoski, Al Batt, Phil Chu and Chris Benson for
> including their $5,000 alcohol purchases while birding... or was that just
> Benson's part?
> Have to draw the line somewhere, though, so I did NOT accept the expenses
> submitted by Craig Mendel for the psychiatrist bills after spending birding
> time with Conny Brunell and Leslie Marcus.
> So the final numbers are...............drum roll please................
> Responses= approximately 265
> Birders represented= approximately 720 (excluding Karla's 500 for her
> Festival of Owls)
> Money documented= $226,168.00
> Fran Howard and myself are now trying to determine the % of birders who
> traveled here that we actually heard from and will extrapolate/project our
> final numbers using that information.
> Thanks Fran for the help!
> Randy Frederickson
> P.S.  If I have offended anyone, please contact my sister Sew Soree.
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