[mou] Misc. Metro birding - Hennepin, Scott & Dakota County - 4/14/05

EgretCMan@aol.com EgretCMan@aol.com
Sat, 16 Apr 2005 01:38:20 EDT

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Spent the afternoon birding with Rita & Dave Baden, Conny Brunell &  Leslie 
Marcus.  We started with a check for shorebirds along Hwy 212,  on (Big Rice 
Lake?).  There are several pull outs on the South side of Hwy  212, just before 
you enter Carver county.  Here we observed Trumpeter  and Tundra Swan, 
American White Pelican and many Green-winged Teal.  There  were a few shorebirds, but 
they were on the South side of the  lake.  Which made ID'ing them impossible. 
 Next we stopped at the  lake near the Flagship Health club in Eden Prairie.  
Here we found  some mud flats.  With a few Killdeer and two Forster's Terns 
that Conny  spotted.  We next headed to Murphy Hanrehan Regional Park and 
briefly  observed a Red-shouldered Hawk, that Conny spotted.  Along the Pet Trail,  
we saw Rough-winged Swallow, Field Sparrow and heard a Barred Owl.  We  ended 
the day at Cliff Fen Park.  Where we heard about 12 American  Woodcocks and 
observed one from about 20 feet.  Making for an end to a very  nice evening!
@ Red-shouldered Hawk - Scott County
@ Forster's Tern - Hennepin County
@ American Woodcock - Dakota County
@ Northern Rough-winged Swallow - Scott County
Craig Mandel  - EgretCMan@aol.com - Minnetonka, MN 

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<DIV>Spent the afternoon birding with Rita &amp; Dave Baden, Conny Brunell &=
Leslie Marcus.&nbsp;&nbsp;We started with a check for shorebirds along Hwy 2=
on (Big Rice Lake?).&nbsp; There are several pull outs on the South side of=20=
212, just before you enter Carver county.&nbsp;&nbsp;Here we observed Trumpe=
and Tundra Swan, American White Pelican and many Green-winged Teal.&nbsp; Th=
were a few shorebirds, but they were on the South side of the=20
lake.&nbsp;&nbsp;Which made ID'ing them impossible.&nbsp; Next we stopped at=
lake near the&nbsp;Flagship Health club in Eden Prairie.&nbsp; Here we found=
some mud flats.&nbsp; With a few Killdeer and two Forster's Terns that Conny=
spotted.&nbsp; We next headed to Murphy Hanrehan Regional Park and briefly=20
observed a Red-shouldered Hawk, that Conny spotted.&nbsp; Along the Pet Trai=
we saw Rough-winged Swallow,&nbsp;Field Sparrow and heard a Barred Owl.&nbsp=
; We=20
ended the day at Cliff Fen Park.&nbsp; Where we heard about 12 American=20
Woodcocks and observed one from about 20 feet.&nbsp; Making for an end to a=20=
nice evening!</DIV>
<DIV>@ Red-shouldered Hawk - Scott&nbsp;County</DIV>
<DIV>@ Forster's Tern - Hennepin County</DIV>
<DIV>@ American Woodcock - Dakota County</DIV>
<DIV>@ Northern Rough-winged Swallow - Scott County</DIV>
<DIV><FONT lang=3D0 face=3DArial size=3D2 FAMILY=3D"SANSSERIF" PTSIZE=3D"10"=
>Craig Mandel=20
- EgretCMan@aol.com - Minnetonka, MN </FONT></DIV></FONT></BODY></HTML>
