[mou] Expense reply

Randy Frederickson fredericksonr@willmar.k12.mn.us
Sun, 17 Apr 2005 10:30:08 -0500

Ladies and Gentlemen of the MOU list serve-

In that I am doing my report on behalf of the MOU, I am a mouth piece and
instrument of the MOU.  Therefore, my actions should not have compromised
the good work and good name of any MOU member or committee.  Being my
actions DID offend some, I owe those people my most sincere apologies.

I encourage you to contact a board member or Jan Green if you feel I should
be removed from the conservation committee.  I have no intentions of
resigning.  It is your committee people, your organization, and I am
accountable to you.  I am also a volunteer, however, and as such, feel your
expectations should be considered in that light.
I accept full responsibility for the comments I made, so PLEASE respond to
me directly and do not let this issue fester on and clutter our list serve.
There are birds to talk about!  (Congrats Warren, my birthday is this week;
what should I wish for?)

Randy Frederickson