[mou] Red Necked Grebe still at Harriet

Thomas Maiello thomas@angelem.com
Sun, 17 Apr 2005 20:09:41 -0500

My appreciation, confirmation and delight in the hour I spent watching 
the Red-Necked Grebe along the east shore of Lake Harriet in Minneapolis 
mid-afternoon until dusk on Sunday April 17.  In one field of view, 
while comfortably sitting on a rock some 50-75 feet away, I watched this 
bird, a Ruddy Duck, Coots and a Pied-Billed Grebe hang out together and 
occasionally interact.  The Red Necked preened itself and extended it's 
lobed toes up for me to appreciate.  Watching it battle for turf with 
the occasional coot was also a hoot.

Thank you for the notice.  It made my day.

Thomas Maiello
St Paul