[mou] Northern Mockingbird/Brown County

Brian Smith Brian.Smith@co.brown.mn.us
Mon, 18 Apr 2005 13:49:28 -0500


Around 12:30 pm today I found a Northern Mockingbird at the rustic =
campground at Flandrau State Park.  What first drew me to it was hearing =
the song of a Rose-breasted Grosbeak and I thought that this was pretty =
early for them to be back but it turned out to be the Mockingbird.  I was =
able to observe it for about twenty minutes and unfortunately I then had =
to return to work for a 1 pm appointment.  There was no mistaking what it =
was as I could see the bright white wing patches and outer tail feathers.  =
This bird wasn't skittish at all. It flew to the ground several times to =
feed and it sang intermittently.  When I left the Mockingbird was in the =
area closest to the two outhouses, but on the side closest to the =

It's one of those birds I'd always hoped to find in Brown county but =
didn't hold out much hope.  It definitely made my day!

Good birding,

Brian Smith=20