[mou] Wild Turkey in the City

Rob Daves rob_daves@yahoo.com
Mon, 18 Apr 2005 12:20:29 -0700 (PDT)

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As a first-time poster to mou-net, let me apologize if I step out of line with respect to the list's mores, and hope all you experts will tolerate a beginner's ramblings.  Having said that...
I saw a female wild turkey fly up into a cottonwood tree overhanging the Mississippi River in downtown Minneapolis, just south of the Bassett's Creek confluence.  Several other noontime runners said they had seen the bird on the walking paths along the river before she flew up into the tree today.  There have been other downtown turkey sightings in the past week -- near the armory and on Nicollet Island -- so I hoped it would be only a matter of time before I saw her.  
The area around the Bassett's Creek confluence is a good spot for urban birding.  In the past week or so I've seen a fox sparrow, Lincoln's sparrow, house wren, Eastern phoebes, and ruby-crowned kinglets, among others.  The Cooper's Hawks have been back about 3 weeks or so, and appear to be staying around for another year.  
Rob Daves

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<DIV>As a first-time poster to mou-net, let me apologize if I step out of line with respect to the list's mores, and hope all you experts will tolerate a beginner's ramblings.&nbsp; Having said that...</DIV>
<DIV>I saw a female wild turkey fly up into a cottonwood tree overhanging the Mississippi River in downtown Minneapolis, just south of the Bassett's Creek confluence.&nbsp; Several other noontime runners said they had seen the bird on the walking paths along the river before she flew up into the tree today.&nbsp; There have been other downtown turkey sightings in the past week -- near the armory and on Nicollet Island -- so I hoped it would be only a matter of time before I saw her.&nbsp; </DIV>
<DIV>The area around the Bassett's Creek confluence is a good spot for urban birding.&nbsp; In the past week or so I've seen a fox sparrow, Lincoln's sparrow, house wren, Eastern phoebes, and ruby-crowned kinglets, among others.&nbsp; The Cooper's Hawks have been back about 3 weeks or so, and appear to be staying around for another year.&nbsp; </DIV>
<DIV>Rob Daves</DIV>
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