[mou] Long-billed Curlew

Cindy Butler Risen cbutler@lcp2.net
Mon, 18 Apr 2005 16:14:08 -0500

Hello All,

Just a quick update to let everyone know that the Long-billed Curlew that
was found on Saturday is still present in Aitkin County. Cindy and I saw it
this morning as it fed in the fields where it was initially found.

This location is south of the town of Palisade on Aitkin County Road 5
about seven tenths of a mile north of Highway 210. Look in the fields to
the left/west between the blue house on the south and the white church on
the north. Observers should be aware that the curlew has been seen in the
fields to the east as well.

We will be out birding this area quite a bit in the upcoming days so we
will do our best to keep birders updated.

Kim & Cindy Risen
Tamarack, MN