[mou] Lark Sparrow; Aitkin help

Pastor Al PastorAl@PrincetonFreeChurch.net
Wed, 20 Apr 2005 13:54:47 -0500

First Lark Sparrow & Blue-gray Gnatcatcher of the year on Mahnomen Trail,
Sherburne NWR.

By the way, the Auto Tour is still closed (someone disturbed the eagles
nesting, they are reattempting, may not open until May), and Blue Hill Trail
is temporarily shut down for burning.

Nathan & I were able to change our schedules and take tomorrow off to bird
in Aitkin County.  We will be stopping on CR 15 for the Ibis & H. Godwit
(both would be life birds for him), as well as scouting the fields on 5 near
Palisade for the (probably departed) LB Curlew.  We'll probably bird the
entire day in the area - any recommendations on best spots?  Most of our
Aitkin experience has been in winter, and we can't say we know the area well


Al Schirmacher
Princeton, MN
Mille Lacs & Sherburne Counties