[mou] Mystery Bird

Bernard P. Friel wampy@att.net
Thu, 21 Apr 2005 23:23:39 -0500

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I believe your mystery bird is a fork-tailed Flycatcher, probably a
Bernie Friel

on 4/21/05 5:39 PM, SFbirdclub@aol.com at SFbirdclub@aol.com wrote:

Hi All,

A friend from Montana sent this. Any ideas? Leucistic magpie? (but the bill
seems wrong.)

Doug Chapman
Sioux Falls, SD


Bernard P. Friel
Web Page - http://www.wampy.com

Content-type: text/html; charset="US-ASCII"
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<TITLE>Re: [mou] Mystery Bird</TITLE>
I believe your mystery bird is a fork-tailed Flycatcher, probably a juvenil=
Bernie Friel<BR>
on 4/21/05 5:39 PM, SFbirdclub@aol.com at SFbirdclub@aol.com wrote:<BR>
A friend from Montana sent this. Any ideas? Leucistic magpie? (but the bill=
 seems wrong.)<BR>
Doug Chapman<BR>
Sioux Falls, SD<BR>
gt;</FONT></FONT> <BR>
-- <BR>
Bernard P. Friel<BR>
Web Page - http://www.wampy.com<BR>
