[mou] Highlights of a windy day in So. Central MN

Williams, Bob BXWilliams@CBBURNET.COM
Sun, 24 Apr 2005 11:15:13 -0500

Purple Martins	Martin house at east end of Francis Lake, Elysian, Le
Sueur County
Rusty Blackbird	Rice Lake WMA just east of Winnebago, Faribault County
Ruddy Ducks		Rice Lake WMA and Perch Lake SW of Truman,
Martin County
Swainson's Thrush Perch Lake County Park		   =20
Red-necked Grebe	Swan Lake(Nicollet Bay off Hwy 14), Nicollet
Western Grebe	Oakleaf Lake(just west of St. Peter), Nicollet County
Shorebirds		NW corner of Co. Rd. 50 and 52 SW of Truman,
Martin County
			(both yellowlegs)
			SE corner of Co. Rd. 58 and Hwy 15 NE of
Madelia, Watonwan 			County(pectorals and yellowlegs)
Bob Williams	Bloomington, MN