[mnbird] Re: [mou] Fwd: [wisb] IB Woodpecker - The Video

eckma001 eckma001@umn.edu
Thu, 28 Apr 2005 11:31:25 CDT

What will be the impact on these few birds of hoards of eager birdwatchers
invading its habitat?!?!?  It's best hope may be for all of us to leave it
alone and instead work to protect its remaining habitat from curious
Karlyn Eckman

On 28 Apr 2005, Sharon Stiteler wrote:
> This is one of the days that you dream of as a birder, either being the
> person to find it or reading www.cnn.com or reading "Ivory-billed
> Rediscovered" and realizing that you have a chance to see this bird in
> lifetime.
> There are so many questions around this.
> Are local townspeople and businesses prepared for birders?  What kind of
> economic impact could this mean for those communities?  Is this going to
> managed like the Kirtland's warblers with people only being able to
> the area at certain times of year?  Are there any ivory-bill tours
> -- 
> Sharon Stiteler
> Minneapolis, MN
> www.birdchick.com
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