[mou] May 14-15 MOU Field Trip - Lac Qui Parle - Cancelled

Tom Auer Tom Auer <mthomasauer@gmail.com>
Fri, 29 Apr 2005 15:42:14 -0500

I'm cancelling the May 14-15 MOU Field Trip that was to head out to
Lac Qui Parle, for numerous reasons. There's a lack of participants
and hotel rooms available in Montevideo. As well, there's just too
much going on in May. Look for a rescheduled trip sometime in the
Fall. If anyone has any suggestions or ideas for a trip they'd like to
see that would ideally be run between September and December, let me

The May 7th trip to Mille Lacs, led by Kim Risen, is still happening
and should prove to be fantastic, once the migration gates open up
after the weather shifts.

Tom Auer
MOU Field Trip Chairman