[mou] Re: [mnbird] Fwd: More Ivory-billed News, plus an exclusive

steve hedman graduate@d.umn.edu
Thu, 28 Apr 2005 13:21:03 -0600

Fellow Birders;

Please, please take note of the concluding comment by Dr. Bennu!!  She 
states most directly why we, who take such joy in wild creatures and 
natural areas, cannot stand by while such areas are being destroyed and 
degraded at historical rates by an administration that simply has not 
morals about doing such.

Steve Hedman

--On Thursday, April 28, 2005 12:41 PM -0500 Jim Williams 
<two-jays@att.net> wrote:

> The email from Van Remsen, to be found on her blog, says directions
> to the area where the bird has been seen will be posted tomorrow. See
> Remsen's comments. And have a good trip. Wish I could go along. Jim
> Williams
> Wayzata
> Begin forwarded message:
> From: Devorah Bennu <birdologist@YAHOO.COM>
> Date: April 28, 2005 12:33:10 PM CDT
> Subject: [BIRDCHAT] More Ivory-billed News, plus an exclusive
> Reply-To: Devorah Bennu <birdologist@YAHOO.COM>
> Hi everyone,
> I have managed to get a confidential email (no longer
> confidential) sent by Van Remsen about this sighting.
> It is posted on my blog, along with dozens of links to
> stories, science articles, PDFs, photographs and
> video.
> http://girlscientist.blogspot.com/
> I also want to remind everyone that TONIGHT, George
> Bush is holding his first news conference of his new
> administration. It seems he is trying to increase his
> admistration's wanton destruction and pillaging of
> this country's natural resources. What do you
> supposehe will say about this bird, who is a victim of
> unsustainable use of our natural resources? We shall
> see tonight at 830 pm EST.
> Devorah A. N. Bennu, PhD
> New York City
> birdologist [at] yahoo [dot] com
> public blog: http://girlscientist.blogspot.com
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