[mou] Cedar Ave. Bridge Birding

Leodwm@aol.com Leodwm@aol.com
Fri, 29 Apr 2005 23:36:49 EDT

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Hiya! Just felt like putting up our day at the Cedar Ave. Bridge.
We got out there around 9:00 and went down the trail to the right, we saw  
two Geese fighting with a lone one... Quite the show.
We spotted a Hermit Thrush hopping through the thickets and spotted Myrtle  
Warblers up in the tops of the trees. At the first small bridge we spotted our  
first Orange-Crowned Warbler of the year.
We walked down the path a little more and then decided to head down the  
other trail. On the way back to the parking lot we took a quick peek at the  board 
walk and spotted a beautiful look at a Swamp Sparrow. We heard wrens from  
inside the reeds but never saw any. A Pied-Billed Grebe was on the lake out  
there too. We then decided to head the other way so we went through the parking  
lot and into the woods... Nothing really was there, Chickadees and Myrtles,  
that's about it.
Out by the lake, past the woods, a Belted Kingfisher shot right past us,  
great look at it. Also - a Broad-Winged Hawk (ID-ed by a friend) fly above us,  
giving us a great look at its tail bands. A Red-Tailed Hawk perched in a tree  
nearby as well afterwards.
It seemed like it was going to rain after that so we went on a small little  
path leading into the woods. Nothing was in there, another possible  
Orange-Crowned Warbler. Ruby-Crowned Kinglets were there as well.
As we stepped out the sun had come out again... We felt rather stupid and  
then walked down the small swamp on the left side of the bridge where we had  
heard a Sora. We didn't spot it but a Green Heron was right out in the open and  
stood there for about 5 minutes, giving us a great look at it.
That's all for today!
- Leo Wexler-Mann

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<DIV>Hiya! Just felt like putting up our day at the Cedar Ave. Bridge.</DIV>
<DIV>We got out there around 9:00 and went down the trail to the right, we s=
two&nbsp;Geese fighting with a lone one... Quite the show.</DIV>
<DIV>We spotted a Hermit Thrush hopping through the thickets and spotted Myr=
Warblers up in the tops of the trees. At the first small bridge we spotted o=
first Orange-Crowned Warbler of the year.</DIV>
<DIV>We walked down the path a little more and then decided to head down the=
other trail.&nbsp;On the way back to the parking lot we took a quick peek at=
board walk and spotted a beautiful look at a Swamp Sparrow. We heard wrens f=
inside the reeds but never saw any. A Pied-Billed Grebe was on the lake out=20
there too. We then decided to head the other way so we went through the park=
lot and into the woods... Nothing really was there, Chickadees and Myrtles,=20
that's about it.</DIV>
<DIV>Out by the lake, past the woods, a Belted Kingfisher shot right past us=
great look at it. Also - a Broad-Winged Hawk (ID-ed by a friend) fly above u=
giving us a great look at its tail bands. A Red-Tailed Hawk perched in a tre=
nearby as well afterwards.</DIV>
<DIV>It seemed like it was going to rain after that so we went on a small li=
path leading into the woods. Nothing was in there, another possible=20
Orange-Crowned Warbler. Ruby-Crowned Kinglets were there as well.</DIV>
<DIV>As we stepped out the sun had come out again... We felt rather stupid a=
then walked down the small swamp on the left side of the bridge where we had=
heard a Sora. We didn't spot it but a Green Heron was right out in the open=20=
stood there for about 5 minutes, giving us a great look at it.</DIV>
<DIV>That's all for today!</DIV>
<DIV>- Leo Wexler-Mann</DIV></FONT></BODY></HTML>
