[mou] Fly Warning

Karen Sussman ksussman@lcp2.net
Fri, 5 Aug 2005 11:42:14 -0500

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Anyone intending to bird in NE SLC should be aware of the new, 
ferocious hatch of flies.  This morning swarms of flies chased me on my 
bicycle despite the fact I had lathered at least one inch of Skintastic 
on all exposed skin.
They were biting through socks, t-shirts etc.  Had to turn around after 
only 5 miles.  I cut ten minutes off my time as any attempts to coast 
resulted in logarithmic increases in the monsters biting my legs.

I would suggest covering as much skin as possible when walking in the 
woods or even on the roads.  The wind doesn't seem to be of any help in 
keeping them at bay.

Karen Sussman
Britt/ NE St Louis County
Karen Sussman  ksussman@lcp2.net
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<fontfamily><param>Hiragino Kaku Gothic Pro</param>Anyone intending to
bird in NE SLC should be aware of the new, ferocious hatch of flies. 
This morning swarms of flies chased me on my bicycle despite the fact
I had lathered at least one inch of Skintastic on all exposed skin.

They were biting through socks, t-shirts etc.  Had to turn around
after only 5 miles.  I cut ten minutes off my time as any attempts to
coast resulted in logarithmic increases in the monsters biting my legs.

I would suggest covering as much skin as possible when walking in the
woods or even on the roads.  The wind doesn't seem to be of any help
in keeping them at bay.

Karen Sussman

Britt/ NE St Louis County</fontfamily>

<fontfamily><param>Times New Roman</param>Karen Sussman 