[mou] No Chuck-Will's-Widows

Dedrick Benz benzdedrick@hotmail.com
Sat, 06 Aug 2005 16:28:56 +0000

Well, despite attempts by at least 9 folks driving back roads of Houston 
county in the wee hours, no Chuck-Will's-Widows were detected this 
Spring/early summer.  I haven't heard from everyone, but I believe that 9 
out of 17 townships were fully or mostly covered between 5/15 and 6/30 this 
year.  It's safe to say that about 1/2 of Houston County's roads were driven 
in the dusk/nighttime hours.  Thank you all for helping out!  Noteworthy was 
how vocal the Whip-Poor-Will's were singing early in the survey period, and 
how quiet they were later.  Also noteworthy, were at least 3 spots that had 
singing Henslow's Sparrows (2 in Houston County, 1 in southern Winona 
County, near the Houston County border).

Townships covered:

Money Creek
Mound Prairie
Crooked Creek

Oh well, maybe next year!

~Dedrick Benz
Winona, MN