[mou] Great Horned Owl in East Duluth

marimbafan marimbafan@yahoo.com
Mon, 8 Aug 2005 14:41:07 -0700 (PDT)

Walking by the Limnology Center at Lester River at
dusk (8:50pm) last night (Sunday, 8/7), had a large
Great Horned Owl swoop in from the uphill side of
Congdon Blvd (aka London Rd and MN Hwy 61), crossing
the road and lighting in the very top of a large
solitary conifer (spruce?) tree just to the west
(highway south) of the Limnology Center.  Actually,
"lighting" is not the appropriate word, as the tree
(and owl) swayed back and forth for a couple of
minutes after the owl landed.  Although too dark to
see a lot of details, there was no mistaking the owl's
"horns" silouhetted against the deep purple sky.  

Also last Friday night right at dusk, had an owl swoop
over our heads from north to south as we walked down a
lane along the NSSR railroad tracks between 57th and
56th Avenues.  Unfortunately, it was too dark (and the
owl was too fast and too quiet) for us to get a good
look at it before it disappeared among the trees.

Tim Stratton

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