[mou] Sandhills and evening grosbeaks

Tom Crumpton reforest@wiktel.com
Tue, 09 Aug 2005 22:30:59 -0500

Have evening grosbeaks back at feeder, lots of juveniles (birds of the 
year?).  They have also been chowing down on choke cherries here.  Saw a 
flock of about 30 sandhill cranes in Lake of the Woods County this 
evening.  Looked like they were setting down for the evening. 
The bug report from Saint Louis county late last week I do not feel was 
real good.  I have not used bug dope on the Canadian border for about 3 
weeks and I spend a fair amount of time in the woods.  One of the places 
I have been in the last 2 weeks I waded through (ankle deep).  Maybe the 
hot pavement where they were attracted them???  I can honestly say I am 
not even sure what type of bug they were talking about.  Maybe the skin 
so soft attracted them???
If anyone wants details (on birds or bugs) they can contact me.
Then again bugs are kind of relative to what you are used to aren't 
they.  Maybe I am not the best person to ask about that lol.
Take Care
Tom Crumpton