Benjamin Fritchman fieldfare21@hotmail.com
Wed, 10 Aug 2005 21:44:56 -0500

Tonight, August 10, I found a Red Phalarope in Morrison County. I have been 
checking the Bowlus sewage ponds for the last two weeks quite regulary, and 
today I flushed a Red Phalarope from the near shore. It didn't fly far, and 
I got some identifiable photos of the bird, although none are great photos. 
The bird seemed to stay near the closest shore(north side). August 10 is a 
very early date, although I learned tonight that there is an August 19th 
date for Red Phalarope in Minnesota. The bird I saw had a pale base to the 
bill that was very prominent from close range. Anyway, hopefully the bird 
sticks around for a few people to come and see it. When I left at 8:15 P.M. 
the bird had settled in at the NW corner of the pond.

Directions to the Bowlus Ponds:
>From the bend of Hwy. 238 just north of Bowlus, go south on CR 24 for 1/2 
mile. Turn right(west) and go 0.2 miles and turn south. There will be a 
cemetery on the north side of the road, and you'll see a No Trespassing sign 
on the south side. Turn south at the sign and follow the road to the ponds.