[mou] NO Red Phalarope

Benjamin Fritchman fieldfare21@hotmail.com
Thu, 11 Aug 2005 08:21:34 -0500

It seems my subject heading has a twofold meaning. Not only was the 
phalarope gone this morning, but it seems that the bird is simply a 
Red-necked Phalarope. Looking at the pale base to the bill threw me off, and 
I failed to identify the bird properly by noting its structural and plumage 
characteristics. I made an identification that was not based on all 
available field marks. I am extremely sorry for any inconvienience it caused 
anybody. I also want to thank all the people who have sent me messages/phone 
calls showing me the error in my judgement. Again, I am extremely sorry for 
any inconvienence it cause anybody. In the photo, it is obvious that the 
bill is long and pointed, not short and thick like a Red Phalarope's should 

Again, thanks to everyone who let me know that it's a Red-necked.

Ben Fritchman