[mou] Dakota Co. Shorebird report & warbler migration

Steve Weston sweston2@comcast.net
Tue, 23 Aug 2005 02:39:00 -0500

Out for about a half hour at dusk east of Hastings today (Monday) and found 
seven species of warblers including Wilsons, Chestnut-sided, Magnolia, 
Blue-winged and Black and White.  Also had two Yellow-bellied Flycatchers. 
Yesterday I had a migrating Red-eyed Vireo in my yard.

Shorebird sites were quickly surveyed Sunday and Monday.

Castle Rock sod farms:  Dry. Only a few Killdeer.

Jirik sod farm (Empire): same

Etters Bottoms (Goodhue Co. just over Vermillion River):  no shorebird 

Lake Bylessby: high water; no shorebird habitat

140th Street marsh:  water really low with plenty of exposed mud.  No 
shorebirds (a week ago) .

180th Street marsh:  water low with much exposed mud.  Shorebirds flying, 
but mostly on far side.  Only Killdeer ID'd.

Mud Lake or Bullfrog Lake (on Ravenna Trail east of Hastings).  Good 
habitat, but no shorebirds seen.

Checked the meadow at Miesville Ravine and found the spotted jewelweed 
significantly reduced from previous  years.  Looked at one plant, which had 
purple spots on its leaves.  Another plant nearby had completely wilted with 
its normally green stems turned purple.  Flowers were still blooming though 
wilted.  It looked as if the plant had succumbed recently and quickly.  At a 
couple of other sites that should have had jewelweed, I could not find any. 
The jewelweed around my house looks healthy, but seems sparcer than 
previously. Pale jewelweed does not seem to affected.  Spotted jewelweed is 
the most important nector source at this time of year for Ruby-throated 

Steve Weston on Quiggley Lake in Eagan, MN