[mou] Harlequin Duck - Two Harbors, Lake Co.

Jim Lind jslind@frontiernet.net
Sat, 03 Dec 2005 13:49:40 -0600

Sharon and I found a beautiful male Harlequin Duck at Lighthouse 
Point in downtown Two Harbors today.  It was close to shore along the 
gravel walking trail, east of the lighthouse.  I haven't checked for 
the one reported at the Knife River marina on Thursday, so I guess it 
could be the same bird.

Also present in town were three Red-necked Grebes, a Common Loon, and 
six Bufflehead at Agate Bay, a Horned Grebe at Burlington Bay, and a 
small flock of Red Crossbills at 3rd Avenue and 1st Street.  There 
are still a lot of mountain ash berries downtown and at Lighthouse 

Jim Lind
Two Harbors