[mou] visible now, Eastern Screech Owl (red phase), Minnetonka, Hennepin Co. MN

George B Skinner george.skinner@gte.net
Fri, 09 Dec 2005 16:41:12 -0600

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The Eastern Screech Owl is visible now, 4:30 pm, Friday 9 Dec. 2005.

This is the first time I have seen the owl this season.

I did not see it this morning. Last year it was not very predictable. =
Generally we see it at
dusk and dawn, if at all.

You can see the wood duck box from the street. Park in front of the pine =
trees and look towards the backyard, past the
west end of our house.

You can use yahoo map or google map. etc. to get directions to our =

15330 Lynn Terrace, Minnetonka MN 55345

George Skinner and Anne Hanley
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<DIV>The Eastern Screech Owl is visible now, 4:30 pm, Friday 9 Dec. =
<DIV>This is the first time I have seen the owl this season.</DIV>
<DIV>I did not see it this morning.&nbsp;Last year it was&nbsp;not very=20
predictable. Generally we see it at<BR>dusk and dawn, if at all.</DIV>
<DIV><BR>You can see the wood duck box from the street. Park in front of =
pine trees and look towards the backyard, past the<BR>west end of our=20
<DIV><BR>You can use yahoo map or google map. etc. to get directions to =
<DIV>15330 Lynn Terrace, Minnetonka MN 55345<BR><BR>George Skinner and =
