[mou] Black-legged Kittiwake

Leodwm@aol.com Leodwm@aol.com
Mon, 12 Dec 2005 14:54:47 EST

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Hi all!
We went out to the west end of Black Dog Lake, by the open  water this Monday 
morning looking for the Kittiwake, and succeeded. We  hung around the lake 
for a while looking for it in the mass of Ring-Billed  Gulls, but the Kittiwake 
didn't appear. Bald eagles were everywhere however.  Then, we crossed back 
across the road and walked over to the open  water in the Minnesota River where 
some gulls were... It was about  12:30 pm and my dad saw one that was a little 
smaller than the others, flying  right towards us in a group of four 
ring-necked gulls. Sure enough, the smaller  one was the 1st year Kittiwake. It caught 
two fish, then, a rather scary  moment when a immature bald eagle flew out of 
the trees and chased it for a  minute. It got away and flew onto Black Dog 
Lake to sit with the other gulls.  What a great bird! Such beautiful markings! I 
highly recommend trying to see it  if you haven't yet!
Good birding everyone!

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<DIV>Hi all!</DIV>
<DIV>We went out to the west end of&nbsp;Black Dog Lake, by the open=20
water&nbsp;this Monday&nbsp;morning looking for the Kittiwake, and succeeded=
. We=20
hung around the lake for a while looking for it in the mass of Ring-Billed=20
Gulls, but the Kittiwake didn't appear. Bald eagles were everywhere however.=
Then, we crossed back across the road and walked&nbsp;over to the&nbsp;open=20
water&nbsp;in the&nbsp;Minnesota River where some gulls were... It was about=
12:30 pm and my dad saw one that was a little smaller than the others, flyin=
right towards us in a group of four ring-necked gulls. Sure enough, the smal=
one&nbsp;was the 1st year Kittiwake. It caught two fish, then, a rather scar=
moment when a immature bald eagle flew out of the trees and chased it for a=20
minute. It got away and flew onto Black Dog Lake to sit with the other gulls=
What a great bird! Such beautiful markings! I highly recommend trying to see=
if you haven't yet!</DIV>
<DIV>Good birding everyone!</DIV></FONT></BODY></HTML>
