[mou] Fw: CEO job with the American Birding Association

Steve Weston sweston2@comcast.net
Thu, 15 Dec 2005 21:15:25 -0600

Hello, birders.

Here's an ad for an important position with the American Birding
Association.  You are welcome to bring this announcement to the
attention of those who might not see it here on BirdChat.  Thanks!


The Board of Directors of the American Birding Association (ABA) invites
applications for President/Chief Executive Officer.
The ABA, the leading North American non-profit membership birding
organization, provides leadership and guidance for field birders with a
rich array of publications, educational programs, meetings,
partnerships, and networks.
The ABA, located in Colorado Springs, expects its President/CEO: 
To possess a thorough understanding of financial management of
non-profit organizations, including budgeting, and budget
To understand and share passion for wild birds of the North American
birding community; 
To provide strong, visionary leadership that inspires the board, staff,
and membership, while developing the organization's potential; 
To have strong personnel management skills that includes team-building
and conflict resolution. 
Additional skills needed are: 
Proven leadership in managing a non-profit organization; 
Experience in fundraising and development; 
Excellent oral and written communication; 
A strong working knowledge of staff-board relations; 
Ability to conduct and implement long-term strategic planning. 
Salary commensurate with experience. Additional information about the
American Birding Association may be obtained on the ABA website
To apply, please submit a cover letter, curriculum vitae, and three
references with contact information (including addresses, phone numbers,
and email) to:
Carol Wallace, Executive Assistant
American Birding Association
4945 N 30th Street, Suite 200
Colorado Springs, CO 80919-3151


Ted Floyd
Editor, Birding

American Birding Association
P. O. Box 7974
Boulder, Colorado 80304-7974


Please visit the web site of the ABA:

BirdChat Guidelines: http://www.ksu.edu/audubon/chatguidelines.html
Archives: http://listserv.arizona.edu/archives/birdchat.html