[mou] St. Paul CBC Results

Julian Sellers JulianSellers@msn.com
Mon, 19 Dec 2005 12:36:09 -0600

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The St. Paul (North) CBC was conducted on Saturday, 12/18.  The =
preliminary species total is 57, which is toward the high end for this =
count.  Highlights:
  a.. 1 Am. White Pelican near the Pig's Eye water treatment facility (3 =
last year were our first ever)
  b.. 17 Great Blue Herons at Pig's Eye
  c.. 10 Duck species at Pig's Eye, including all three mergansers
  d.. Trumpter Swans at TCAAP (the arsenal, Arden Hills)
  e.. 1 Northern Harrier (5th time since 1945)
  f.. All three "expected" owls (first screech-owl since 2001, first =
time all three since 1999)
  g.. A count week snowy thanks to Beth Hamel's report to MOU-NET on =
  h.. Leslie Kottke's Carolina Wren
  i.. 1 Song Sparrow (only sparrow other than Am. Tree Sparrow)
Richard Chin, reporter for the Pioneer Press, went owling with my team =
from 4:45 to 6:15 (the screech-owl was at the next stop after he =
left--darn!), then spent much of the day with Kiki Sonnen's Pig's Eye =
team.  Look for an article in Sunday's Pi Press.

Julian Sellers
St. Paul
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<BODY bgColor=3D#ffffff>
<DIV>The St. Paul (North) CBC was conducted on Saturday, 12/18.&nbsp; =
preliminary species total is 57, which is toward the high end for this=20
count.&nbsp; Highlights:</DIV>
  <LI>1 Am. White Pelican&nbsp;near the Pig's Eye water treatment =
facility (3=20
  last year were our first ever)</LI>
  <LI>17 Great Blue Herons at Pig's Eye</LI>
  <LI>10 Duck species at Pig's Eye, including all three mergansers</LI>
  <LI>Trumpter Swans at TCAAP (the arsenal, Arden Hills)</LI>
  <LI>1 Northern Harrier (5th time since 1945)</LI>
  <LI>All three "expected" owls (first screech-owl since 2001, first =
time all=20
  three since 1999)</LI>
  <LI>A&nbsp;count week snowy thanks to Beth Hamel's report to MOU-NET =
  <LI>Leslie Kottke's Carolina Wren</LI>
  <LI>1 Song Sparrow (only sparrow other than Am. Tree =
<DIV>Richard Chin, reporter for the Pioneer Press, went owling with my =
team from=20
4:45 to 6:15 (the screech-owl was at the next stop after he =
left--darn!), then=20
spent much of the day with Kiki Sonnen's Pig's Eye team.&nbsp; Look for =
article in Sunday's Pi Press.</DIV>
<DIV>Julian Sellers</DIV>
<DIV>St. Paul</DIV></BODY></HTML>
