[mou] Another Snowy Owl in Goodhue County?!

Jbaines317@aol.com Jbaines317@aol.com
Mon, 19 Dec 2005 22:05:41 EST

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My husband was out in Goodhue County today and saw another snowy owl this  
time perched on a telephone pole. It was located approximately 2 miles west of  
Bellechester. The road he was traveling on was a gravel road running north &  
south. The bird was near the intersection of that road with County Road 78 
(east  of where CR78 T's with another gravel road). CR 78 is about a mile north 
of  16. He didn't look at it long enough to hazard a guess at age or sex.
Jen Vieth

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<DIV>My husband was out in Goodhue County today and saw another snowy owl th=
time perched on a telephone pole. It was located approximately 2 miles west=20=
Bellechester. The road he was traveling on was a gravel road running north &=
south. The bird was near the intersection of that road with County Road 78 (=
of where&nbsp;CR78 T's with another gravel road). CR 78 is about a mile nort=
h of=20
16. He didn't look at it long enough to hazard a guess at age or sex.</DIV>
<DIV>Jen Vieth</DIV>
