[mou] RWF CBC Trial run

patrick.beauzay@ndsu.edu patrick.beauzay@ndsu.edu
Sun, 25 Dec 2005 11:15:08 -0600 (CST)

Merry Christmas!

A great trial run for the Redwood Falls Christmas Bird Count.  Matt
Mickelson and I tallied quite a few birds this morning.  Matt had to leave
at noon and I added a few more species cruising the Minnesota River valley
roads near Redwood Falls in the afternoon.

Highlights for the day were the northern goshawk, white-throated sparrow,
and Harris’s sparrow.

Here is the full count:

Temp a.m.:  35F, Temp p.m.: 38F
Sky: Overcast all day
Wind:  NW 5-10 all day
Snow cover:  2-4”
No. participants: 2
Habitats covered and % time spent in each:
  Agricultural (15%)
  Residential (20%)
  Riparian deciduous (65%)

Canada Goose			6
Mallard			        2
Cooper’s Hawk		        1
Northern Goshawk		1
Red-tailed Hawk		       11
  Red-tailed Hawk (dark)	1
Rough-legged Hawk		5
  Rough-legged Hawk (dark)	1
Bald Eagle			1
American Kestrel		1
Ring-necked Pheasant	       10
Wild Turkey			6
Mourning Dove		        2
Rock Pigeon		       56
Red-bellied Woodpecker	        2
Downy Woodpecker	       16
Hairy Woodpecker		1
Pileated Woodpecker		2
Blue Jay			7
American Crow		      152
Horned Lark		       30
Black-capped Chickadee	       22
White-breasted Nuthatch	       12
Brown Creeper		        3
European Starling	       70
Northern Cardinal		7
American Tree Sparrow	       12
Harris’s Sparrow		1
White-throated Sparrow	        1
Dark-eyed Junco		       95
Purple Finch			2
House Finch			3
Pine Siskin			4
American Goldfinch		7
House Sparrow		       55
Falcon sp.			1 (either merlin or kestrel, but too
      far away and too brief a view to tell)

Total Species		       33
Total Individuals	      608

We couldn't find the varied thrush that has been in the Cedar Point
neighborhood, but I talked to a neighbor who watched the bird for a while
last Sunday (December 18th).

Thanks again to Matt Mickelson for his participation and to Roger
Schroeder for his work with the MN CBC’s.  I’m looking forward to doing
this again next year!

Good Birding and Happy Holidays!


Patrick Beauzay
Department of Entomology
217 Hultz Hall, Bolley Drive
North Dakota State University
Fargo, ND 58105
