[mou] Bird Survey Volunteer/Technician Needed - Three Rivers Park District

Carol Carter CCarter@threeriversparkdistrict.org
Wed, 2 Feb 2005 10:18:44 -0600

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The Wildlife Section of Three Rivers Park District is looking for
volunteers to help conduct breeding bird surveys within the Park
District. Parks where surveys are conducted include Baker, Carver,
Crow-Hassan, Elm Creek, Lake Rebecca, and Hyland Lake Park Reserves. The
surveys are conducted in the early mornings and require 3-4 hours of
effort per day. Schedules can be flexible to suit the individual's
availability, but the surveys are weather dependent. In other words, the
individual needs to be able to go out when the weather is suitable, not
just on a particular day of the week. Several volunteers are needed in
the time period between May 20th and June 15th to complete a total of
about 12 mornings of surveys.

We conduct a number of different kinds of bird surveys, including Bike
Trail Surveys, Woodland Point Counts, and Habitat Related Transects.
Some surveys are completed twice with the surveys scheduled at least a
week apart. Surveys are conducted riding a bicycle on paved bike trails
(stopping at designated points to count birds), walking on turf trails,
or in some cases walking cross country following a compass bearing
(bushwhacking). Surveyors must be able to walk a mile or two, sometimes
over uneven terrain, or through thick brush. Surveyors must demonstrate
the ability to identify Minnesota's breeding birds by song and call as
well as by sight. There is a test!=20

We have immediate needs for individuals to conduct surveys this spring
(2005 breeding season), but we are really looking for 2 or 3 individuals
who would be willing to commit to a long term relationship with the Park
District Wildlife Section. That is, people who can do the surveys
annually for several years with assignments to different parks in
different years... though every effort would be made to assign survey
locations that are convenient for the individual. There is the
possibility of some pay for this work, however, it wouldn't amount to a
great deal - probably a maximum of 50 hours. In other words, don't plan
to quit your regular job! A Park District vehicle might be available,
but it is more likely that the surveyor would have to drive his or her
own vehicle to the survey locations.

If you are interested and/or would like more information, call Carol
Carter at 763-694-7848.=20

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<P><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>The Wildlife Section of Three Rivers Park =
District is=20
looking for volunteers to help conduct breeding bird surveys within the =
District.&nbsp;<SPAN class=3D609465115-02022005>Parks</SPAN> where =
surveys are=20
conducted include Baker, Carver,&nbsp;<SPAN=20
class=3D609465115-02022005>Crow-Hassan, </SPAN>Elm Creek, Lake Rebecca, =
and Hyland=20
Lake Park Reserves. The surveys are conducted in the early mornings and =
3-4 hours of effort<SPAN class=3D609465115-02022005> per day</SPAN>. =
Schedules can=20
be flexible to suit the individual&#8217;s availability<SPAN=20
class=3D609465115-02022005>, but&nbsp;the surveys&nbsp;are&nbsp;weather=20
dependent</SPAN>.&nbsp;<SPAN class=3D609465115-02022005>In other words, =
individual needs to be able to go out when the weather is suitable, not =
just on=20
a&nbsp;particular day of the week. </SPAN>Several volunteers are needed =
in the=20
time period between May 20<SUP>th</SUP> and June 15<SUP>th</SUP> to =
complete a=20
total of about 12 mornings of surveys.</FONT></P>
<P><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2></FONT></P>
<P><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>We conduct&nbsp;<SPAN =
number of</SPAN>&nbsp;different kinds of bird surveys, including Bike =
Surveys, Woodland Point Counts, and Habitat Related Transects. Some =
surveys are=20
completed twice with the surveys&nbsp;<SPAN =
</SPAN>at least a week apart. Surveys are conducted riding a bicycle on =
bike trails (stopping at designated points to count birds), walking on =
trails, or in some cases walking cross country following a compass =
(bushwhacking). Surveyors must be able to walk a mile or two, sometimes =
uneven terrain, or through thick brush. Surveyors must demonstrate the =
to identify Minnesota&#8217;s breeding birds by song and call as well as =
by sight.=20
There is a test! </FONT></P>
<P><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>We have immediate needs for individuals =
to conduct=20
surveys this spring (2005 breeding season), but we are really looking=20
for&nbsp;<SPAN class=3D609465115-02022005>2 or 3</SPAN>&nbsp;individuals =
who would=20
be willing to commit to a long term relationship with the Park District =
Section. That is, people who can do the surveys annually for several =
class=3D609465115-02022005> with assignments to different&nbsp;parks in =
years..</SPAN>.<SPAN class=3D609465115-02022005> though every effort =
would be made=20
to&nbsp;assign survey locations that are convenient for the=20
individual.</SPAN>&nbsp;There is the possibility of some pay for this =
however, it wouldn&#8217;t amount to a&nbsp;<SPAN =
deal</SPAN>&nbsp;&#8211; probably a maximum of 50 hours. In other words, =
don&#8217;t plan to=20
quit your regular job! A Park District vehicle&nbsp;<SPAN=20
class=3D609465115-02022005>might</SPAN> be available<SPAN=20
class=3D609465115-02022005>,</SPAN> but it is&nbsp;more likely that the =
would have to drive his or her own vehicle to the survey =
<P><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>If you are interested and/or would like =
information, call Carol Carter at 763-694-7848. =
