[mou] Borderland update / Evening Grosbeaks present in large numbers

Tom Crumpton reforest@wiktel.com
Sat, 05 Feb 2005 09:49:43 -0600

The decline in evening grosbeak numbers certainly is not apparent here! 
I feed 60+ evening grosbeaks throughout the morning and into the 
afternoon.  A professional wildlife photographer here in December 
reported 180+ here at one time.  There are also lots of redpolls with 
the occasional hoary redpoll.  Also gold finches, nuthatches, pine 
grosbeaks and chickadees.  I feed evening grosbeaks year around.  They 
do not frequent the feeder as regularly, or for as long, during the 
summer.  But they certainly add to the color when the rose breasted 
grosbeaks, orioles, finches and other birds are here.  The location is 
on the canadian border in extreme North North Central MN.  Feeder site 
actually overlooks Canada. Other items of note here include year round 
eagles (many nests in vicinity), pelicans in large numbers at times and 
40+ wood ducks feed in front yard in May (gone by June).  Hummingbirds 
in good numbers (20 # + sugar consumed last august).  If anyone is 
interested they are welcome to contact me.  Its a very private location 
and you won't see it from any roadway. 
Take Care Tom Crumpton