[mou] Northeast Birds

M. Thomas Auer M. Thomas Auer" <mthomasauer@gmail.com
Sat, 5 Feb 2005 15:34:57 -0600

Hello Folks,

Just thought that I'd post a few of the birds I ran into while I was
out today, to make sure that anyone who was looking for them had a

HOARY REDPOLL - a premium example at "the" feeder just outside of Two
Harbors, on Co. Rd. #9. Heading south from Two Harbors on the
Expressway, take a right onto CO 9 and head up the hill to a white
house on the right, with a greenish mailbox and lots of feeders in
front of the house. About 12 Redpolls had been hanging out there and a
nice Hoary availed himself for great looks.

BARRED OWL - was being mobbed by crows at about 1:15 today in Two
Harbors, in the alley behind 4th Avenue. It was right out by the road,
nicely sunning itself for some pics. It even looked like it had eaten
something recently.

BOHEMIAN WAXWINGS - found a small flock at 7th Avenue & 20th Street in
Two Harbors. Heading North on HWY 61, take a left at the SuperAmerica
on 7th Ave, go a few blocks up until you reach 20th Steet. Take a
right onto it, and the birds were at the end of the road (real short)
as it comes to a T quickly.

Good Luck!

Tom Auer
Duluth, MN
